
Wingman’s role is to witness you steer your unique flight path. A sound mentor reflects back your strengths and the answers (you already have) to your self enquiry. When needed, he’ll guide you to draw your own conclusions and make wise choices. You can ask for advice and flex on him for support but the goal is ultimately self-empowerment.

The dynamic is based on trust and sharing knowledge to stimulate growth.
Wingman draws from many lessons learned from his entrepreneurial adventures with the hope they benefit your situation. You’ll be encouraged to do ‘the work’ and be well supported along the way. They say, if you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Mentoring with Wingman is no different.

Your time spent together will leave you better prepared for business on your terms, with an emphasis on building up confidence and forging a strong connection with your self; to enjoy and reap the rewards on your journey. At whatever stage you’re at with your business, Wingman’s bespoke mentoring service will adapt to your current situation.

Winning Teams

It was Jim Collins who said, ‘If we get the right people on the bus, the right people in the seats, then we’ll figure out how to take it some place great.’ Build your teams on this philosophy and you’re ahead of the staffing game.

Creating an all-star team is one of the biggest challenges biz owners face and nothing is more impactful on a company’s growth and culture than the people you hire and retain.
Are they happy? Are they supported? Are they playing to their strengths?

Ask Wingman about his extensive experience with staffing to sharpen up your hiring process and create a team that’s thriving, loving their role and primed for success.


Deciding what you want and how you are going to achieve that is a powerful biz move and forms the crux of your strategy. Not knowing your ‘why’ keeps you on the back foot. The process behind your business model and plan should be measurable and actionable. It’s a map to your vision; it’s your vision by design. You’re a leaf in the wind when you avoid creating a strategy and likely to steer off path.

Road blocks, potholes, landing gear failing, turbulence, projects not taking-off, pilots not showing up to their aircraft …. these are all common on the biz journey but when you’re armed with a strategy you’ll stay focussed and on track. The best strategists have learned from experience, so take advantage of Wingman’s time at the coalface and talk strategy that’s tailored to your biz.  

Wealth + Lifestyle

You may have set out on your biz path to create more freedom and a better lifestyle but are you actually enjoying the journey? And, is your business increasing your wealth? Ideally, the strategy and structure you have in place allows you to enjoy life and share your abundance with your loved ones. This is the spin off of having everything aligned and if it’s not, you can look at all your options with Wingman – he’s in the business of thriving.

Whether you’ve just launched a biz backed by dreaming big, have built a portfolio and need guidance to expand, or find yourself trapped in financial obstacles, talk to Wingman. Removing those obstacles, improving your cashflow and gaining financial independence are all roads that lead to boosting wealth and actualising the lifestyle you desire.