Meet your Wingman, Shaun

Shaun McGrath / Wingman

Leaders in business need support, guidance and strategic
direction. It’s typically a solo mission and often under pressure. The same applies in our personal life when we’re searching for better outcomes. Who can we talk to about our dreams, fears or the actual problems we’re facing alone?

My style

I’m a straight-shooter kind of guy.
Authenticity is a must. Practical and relatable, I won’t sugar-coat running a business or the challenges of making changes in your personal life but I’ll guarantee you’re well supported and having fun.

As your ultimate Wingman, I’ll be there at every twist and turn to stand and guide, hold up ‘the mirror’, to remind you that every solution exists within. My no-fluff, roll-up-your-sleeves style means I’ll get down in the mud if it’s called for. We’ll turn those crises into opportunities and enjoy the peaks of success together.

The needs of a client are always unique and I love mapping out a process that’s tailored and realistic. I’m well aware of the complexity of the human condition and how our character shapes our behaviour too. Your health, happiness and generating momentum – these are our top priorities.

I’ve clocked wins and mistakes in equal measure to get where I am today. A business owner, mentor and keen surfer, with over 15 years experience managing a highly successful, middle-tier enterprise, I’ve seen a lot in my time.

The highs and lows of the entrepreneurial journey are raw and rock star and not always cruisy. I’ve also witnessed the struggle people go through behind-the-scenes of their business, when a mentor could have changed the course of their lives – myself included.

I was raised in a white-collar family in the burbs, choosing a blue-collar industry to build a $11million+p/a enterprise with over 70 staff, its origins from a desktop in the garage of a sharehouse. I’ve spent $100K’s on biz coaches, mentors and professional/ personal development and applied it all (and often times applied none of it). Not to mention, the ‘7 Pillars of Success’from savvy sales pitches with ‘inside industry know-how’ and that ‘Next Level’ silver bullet, operating system or recruiter with the ‘ideal’ candidate. I’ve worked with some great mentors and coaches, and others not so great. I devoured everything I came across to improve my self and my business, and distilled it into my bespoke and multi-faceted mentoring service.

It took me years to work out there are actually no silver bullets. It was my time spent at the coalface, of countless sleepless nights, of hiring, firing, rehiring cycles, ATO issues, crisis management and chasing/losing money – enough to have retired on twice over – that made me determined to look at my personal life as much as my business model. Despite all my high-flying biz success, the most rewarding outcomes have been seeing others succeed and sharing that journey with them. Whether that be watching them take-off and travel the world, find purpose in their career, buy that dream home, become their own boss, overcome personal demons or do something they had never thought possible – I absolutely love all this. And from all this, did I then choose to become a/your Wingman.

My story

I’ve clocked wins and mistakes in equal measure to get where I am today. A business owner and mentor with over 15 years experience managing a highly successful enterprise, I’ve seen a lot in my time. The highs and lows of the entrepreneurial journey are raw and rock star and not always cruisy. I’ve also witnessed the struggle people go through behind-the-scenes of their business, when a mentor could have changed the course of their lives – myself included.

I was raised in a white-collar family in the burbs, choosing a blue-collar industry to build a $11million+p/a enterprise with over 70 staff, its origins from a desktop in the garage of a sharehouse. I’ve spent $100K’s on biz coaches, mentors and professional/ personal development and applied it all (and often times applied none of it). Not to mention, the ‘7 Pillars of Success’from savvy sales pitches with ‘inside industry know-how’ and that ‘Next Level’ silver bullet, operating system or recruiter with the ‘ideal’ candidate. 

I’ve worked with some great mentors and coaches, and others not so great. I devoured everything I came across to improve my self and my business, and distilled it into my multi-faceted business mentoring service.

The highs and lows of the entrepreneurial journey are raw and rock star and not always cruisy. I’ve also witnessed the struggle people go through behind-the-scenes of their business, when a mentor could have changed the course of their lives – myself included.

email shaun@wingmanmento

My ethos

When people ask me about my own success, I measure it based on the journey I’ve taken and the destinations I’ve reached along the way. I ask myself: Am I loving my journey and who I’m sharing it? Are my choices bringing me joy? Did I truly appreciate the last place I got to?

It took me years to work out there are actually no silver bullets. It was my time spent at the coalface, of countless sleepless nights, of hiring, firing, rehiring cycles, ATO issues, crisis management and chasing/losing money – enough to have retired on twice over – that made me determined to look at my personal life as much as my business model.

Despite all my biz success, the most rewarding outcomes have been seeing others succeed and sharing that journey with them. Whether that be watching them take-off and travel the world, find purpose in their career, buy that dream home, become their own boss, overcome personal demons or do something they had never thought possible – I absolutely love all this. And from all this, did I then choose to become a/your Wingman.