Ready to align with success?


Wingman mentoring is designed to enhance your business, personal development and lifestyle.
Shaun McGrath is an established business owner and mentor with a diverse client base and a knack for initiative. Enjoyable, holistic and strategic, Wingman is committed to seeing you thrive.
Equally passionate about business success and personal fulfillment, Shaun is here to support. Engage him as your Wingman for leadership growth, strategic direction, creating wealth or career transitions - whatever it takes to forge your success while loving the life you're creating.



Let’s strike the balance between asking for guidance and trusting your self.

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Winning Teams

It’s all about your team and for all members to enjoy the ride.
Is everyone winning?

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Strategy is everything and more than
just a plan.
Let’s design one.

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Wealth + Lifestyle

Most biz owners start with the dream + get lost in the grind. Don’t let this be you. Create wealth.

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'It's good to learn from your mistakes,
it's even better to learn from other people's mistakes.'

– Warren Buffet


‘Together we’ll map out a flight path to your success, no matter the circumstances you’re facing. I’m here to roll up my sleeves with you, dig into your situation, turn challenge into opportunities, to bring back the fun and enjoyment in business and in life. We’ll shoot for the moon and beyond. Everyone needs the ‘ultimate’ Wingman – a guiding force, sidekick and reliable friend. Someone to lean into when the going gets tough, with who we can share the journey.

So let’s kick the tyres and start the fires!’

– Shaun McGrath, Wingman Mentoring

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'Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen and a push in the right direction.'

– John Crosby